It has been exactly 682 days since I abandoned my poor blog. Not having at-home internet access and not being sure if my current job would allow me to blog has really kept me at bay.
Luckily my apartment’s close enough to downtown that my laptop can catch a little bit of the city’s free wifi, so that I may at least do a little work on my side projects without having to trek to a Starbucks or what not.

So…let’s do a quick updating for those of you not reading:

I graduated in June 0f 2009. I left for the summer to D.C. to intern as a video production intern for the U.s. Dept of Veterans Affairs. I came back in the fall of 2009 and worked for a nonprofit named Latinitas,  where I was their Multimedia Designer/ Press secretary under a 3 mo. contract. After my contract ended, I remained a volunteer with them and helped to edit their content and at their teen reporter meetings.
I was unemployed for probably a month or two, then I found a job working at a customer service call center which drained my life and brain. That job was pretty shitty and I had never in my life apologized so much and on a daily basis. Life seemed unbearable then and I only took solace in the fact that I had met a great guy that understood exactly what I was going through as a post-grad with an irrelevant job himself. I didn’t make a lot of money but what I did make allowed me to pay the bills. But man reading back to the last blog entry, I could definitely remember the disappointment and the disillusion I felt with the state of things back then. But I knew something was bound to change for better or worse.
Turns out I only stayed in that miserable call center for only about two more months after that blog entry. I left for a position that would truly mark the beginning of my career.

No longer would I be in my field as an intern or under contract. I wasn’t even going to become the reporter I had dreams of becoming, I completely skipped all of that and became an online editor.  My skills, like those of the industry, had transcended and I had enough experience in multiple areas including reporting, editing,  video editing and social media platform moderation (thanks to all those internships and volunteer opportunities i took) to be the perfect candidate for such a position. I can really say it worked out brilliantly, so much so that now, nearly 2 years later I am still here, working for the web, and getting better and better at it everyday. I love my job and what I have learned so far. This step has taken my life in a different direction than i expected to be in 2009 when i graduated and even the year after when everything had seemed so dreary.

It feels nice to be able to reminisce back and think that despite nothing being the way I thought it would be, I am still pretty happy with the ways thing turned out.  I have many goals that still need to be accomplished and I still want a lot more for myself, but I no longer feel like I am heading in the opposite direction of working towards those goals.

And before anyone thinks I am getting too comfortable in my life here, I am always ready and open for a change. I may not know what the next week, month or year has in store for me, but whatever it is I am ready and waiting for it.

OH and I’ve also taken up boxing  so I’m ready to fight for it too ^-^