It sure has been a very long time since I laid fingers to keyboard on this here little blog.
It’s a strange place I’m in right now. Rather than be inspired, and excited for each new day, I find myself more and more disappointed.
I see others enjoying the fruits of their labor and celebrating the opportunities they’ve worked so hard for while I spend hours on end behind a computer speaking to angry customers and apologizing for the mistakes of others..
This isn’t what I went to school for.. All those essays, the tests, and studying—for this? Really?
It is a difficult place to be in. But I have no other choice but to keep on trucking while I keep my eye on the prize.
All those plans from a year ago seem like those of some naive little child with a skewed view of the world.
Now I’m a jaded, burned, and unhappy worker of the world.
I am grateful for what I have but cannot understand why I put myself under such stress to be “successful.” What a farce, a joke, a stupid thing to say–to be successful— what does that mean?

On this side of a year ago it definitely does seem like a bad time to be out of school. What will I do? where will i go next?
why am i here?

Time is passing by real quick and believe me I’m working on it.
Despite my joy that time is flying because I want nothing more than to forget the unpleasant moments of 2009, I keep getting further and further from being a recent grad.. But I need something to work with!
I don’t want to get caught up in something that has nothing to do with what I’ve wanted for myself.
Conformity seems to be the word of the century.. I’m expected, specifically by the older generations, to have a job and keep it forever no matter how unrelated it is to what I want and what i worked towards in college.

This is the pain of the one-year-old degree holder…