I Remember This Place

January 23, 2010

Here we are again….back at square one not even a year after I graduated from college. My contract ended with the non-profit I was working for, so I am on the prowl for another job.
Good news is I already sent one application to my first choice for grad school.  I am confident in what I’ve accomplished, but I’m still crossing my fingers I get in.
As of now I will continue as a mentor for teen Latina reporters for Latinitas, Inc. I am still freelancing for Su Voz Latina Magazine. We’ll see if anything more permanent, occupation-wise, comes up.
I feel awful because my parents don’t really understand. My mom has worked at the same place for 20 years and my dad, recently retired, did pretty much the same.
Getting a job to them has meant something hardcore, only seen in older generations. To them it’s waiting in long lines, going to factories, submitting applications, and asking for friends to give them a heads up and to put in a good word when they applied.
How does this work out if none of your friends are in the business you’re seeking to get into?
Being the only one in my family to have graduated from college is not what it’s cracked up to. The honeymoon is over and the expectations are weighing on my mind and soul. a little on my heart.
My aim is to do important, life-changing, and thought-provoking work. I refuse to settle for any less than that. I’ve worked really hard and want to continue to work hard towards something meaningful that will make an impact.

And no… I don’t mean going back to work at the coffee shop…although-giving someone their morning coffee is important. haha. but no.

This year remains blank, but I hope to fill it soon with good things, which would include grad school! yeah!W